[IPOL discuss] MATLAB demos

Enric Meinhardt-Llopis enric.meinhardt at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon Jun 1 15:25:52 CEST 2015

Dear Miguel,

I have updated my local clone of the demo system, and now all my demos
print a lot of warnings that say "matlab path directory does not
exist".  Is this the intended behaviour for computers without matlab?


2015-06-01 15:10 GMT+02:00 Miguel Colom <colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>:
> Dear all,
> IPOL is accepting MATLAB demos now.
> We're working on writing clear guidelines for the MATLAB source codes
> (accepted toolboxes, style, etc) but meanwhile it's already possible to
> submit MATLAB codes and demos for publication.
> This message is only to explain what to do to have a demo executing MATLAB.
> The MATLAB code must be compiled. This step is exactly the same as what we
> do for any other compiled language and to do it it suffices to write a
> Makefile which calls mcc (the MATLAB compiler).
> For example:
> PROG=gauss
> all:
>         mcc -m ${PROG}.m -a lib -R -nodisplay
> The generated binary must be moved to the "bin" directory, as usual.
> The compiler generates not only the binary, but also a BASH script which
> calls the binary within the proper environment. You don't need to care about
> what the script does. Think of it as a black box where you put your
> parameters and it executes your program.
> The script needs the following parameters, in this order:
> 1) The MATLAB path
> 2) The parameters of your algorithm.
> The MATLAB path can be obtained from the demo system configuration, by
> calling self.get_MATLAB_path().
> For example:
> p = self.run_proc(['run_gauss.sh', self.get_MATLAB_path(), 'input_0.png',
>                    'output_1.png', str(sigma)])
> You need also to configure the path of MATLAB with two new entries in
> demo.conf.
> In the production server the configuration is:
> # demo paths
> demo.extra_path = '/usr/bin:/bin:/wheezy/usr/local/MATLAB'
> demo.matlab_path = '/wheezy/usr/local/MATLAB'
> You need to put there the right paths corresponding to your MATLAB
> installation.
> And you need also to have an updated version of the demo system.
> You can download a copy with: git clone
> https://github.com/mcolom/ipolDevel.git
> In principle you only need to change the contents of the "lib" directory.
> All the best,
> Miguel
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