[IPOL discuss] MATLAB demos

Loic Simon loic.simon at ensicaen.fr
Tue Jun 2 14:31:20 CEST 2015

Dear all,

What about an "Octave compatible" stamp for demos that conform with the


On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Jacques Froment <Jacques.Froment at univ-ubs.fr
> wrote:

> Dear Luis,
> I thank you for these considerations I was not aware of.
> I completely agree with you about the fact that submitting a paper to IPOL
> is a [too] complex task.
> But in my opinion the main reason is the need for authors to submit a demo
> and thus to have to write
> code in Python and html that has nothing to do with the submitted
> algorithm. I believe that this task
> should not be left to the authors.
> Going back to the question of Octave compatibility, writing this
> compatibility as a recommendation
> would be better than nothing.
> Best,
> Jacques.
> Jacques Froment   (Jacques.Froment at univ-ubs.fr)
> Université de Bretagne Sud - LMBA UMR 6205
> Centre Y. Coppens, campus de Tohannic
> BP 573, F-56017 VANNES, FRANCE
> Tél. 0297017138 (+33 297017138)
> Fax 0297017175 (+33 297017175)
> On 02/06/2015 11:00, Luis Alvarez wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> The main challenge we face at the current moment is to increase the
>> number of papers and the number of new authors who
>> send papers to IPOL. The current IPOL paper publication statistic is :
>> 2011 : 21 papers
>> 2012: 15 papers
>> 2013: 16 papers
>> 2014: 21 papers
>> 2015: 3 papers (up to now)
>> To improve these figures is mandatory if we want to consolidate IPOL as
>> an international journal and to submit IPOL to
>> the JCR and SCOPUS Journal database evaluation. Otherwise, in my opinion,
>> there is a high risk that IPOL becomes
>> irrelevant or even disappears. In this regards I think that to accept new
>> languages as Matlab (which is used by a large
>> community) could be an important step in this direction. Of course it
>> would be nice that the Matlab code be compatible
>> with Octave but I think that such compatibility should not be mandatory,
>> it should be written as a recommendation.
>> Please do not forget that currently, to send a paper to IPOL for somebody
>> who is not familiar with the "IPOL Community"
>> is a quite complex task. To encourage new authors to send papers to IPOL
>> we have to ease the paper edition procedure and
>> to clearly differentiate recommendations from mandatory conditions which
>> should be reduced as much as possible.
>> Regards
>> Luis Alvarez
>>  Dear Miguel,
>>> Exactly, my suggestion is basically to allow only Matlab toolboxes that
>>> have the same signature and behavior as those available on Octave-Forge.
>>> More precisely, since all functions of a given Matlab toolbox may not
>>> be implemented in the corresponding Octave-Forge package, I mean to
>>> allow only functions implemented in Octave-Forge that give the same
>>> results than the ones in Matlab toolboxes.
>>> I believe that this compatibility may be checked almost automatically at
>>> the editing step by checking that the source code gives the same outputs
>>> (within a given numerical accuracy) running on Octave.
>>> I agree that this compatibility requirement would add a bit of work for
>>> authors and editors, but it would be a "political" statement in favor of
>>> free and open source softwares and it would not disadvantage labs that
>>> do not have Matlab license (which is rather frequent outside the US and
>>> elsewhere, outside major labs).
>>> Best,
>>> Jacques.
>>> Jacques Froment   (Jacques.Froment at univ-ubs.fr)
>>> Université de Bretagne Sud - LMBA UMR 6205
>>> Centre Y. Coppens, campus de Tohannic
>>> BP 573, F-56017 VANNES, FRANCE
>>> Tél. 0297017138 (+33 297017138)
>>> Fax 0297017175 (+33 297017175)
>>> On 01/06/2015 20:19, Miguel Colom wrote:
>>>> Quoting Jacques Froment <Jacques.Froment at univ-ubs.fr>:
>>>>  Dear all,
>>>>> I am very reserved about the possibilities of publishing a code
>>>>> that needs a commercial software. Would it be possible to request
>>>>> the source code to be also compatible with the free GNU Octave
>>>>> software ? (as Octave treats incompatibility with Matlab as a bug,
>>>>> the main impact would be a limitation of usable functions from Matlab
>>>>> toolboxes).
>>>> Dear Jacques,
>>>> We haven't finished writing the guidelines for MATLAB submissions and
>>>> therefore we're open to any kind of suggestions.
>>>> About forcing compatibility to Octave, I think that will depend on if
>>>> the toolboxes that we'll allow have the same
>>>> signature and behavior as in  Matlab. If not, then we can't ask it.
>>>> But as I say, the rules haven't been already fixed.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Miguel
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> Jacques.
>>>>> Jacques Froment   (Jacques.Froment at univ-ubs.fr)
>>>>> Université de Bretagne Sud - LMBA UMR 6205
>>>>> Centre Y. Coppens, campus de Tohannic
>>>>> BP 573, F-56017 VANNES, FRANCE
>>>>> Tél. 0297017138 (+33 297017138)
>>>>> Fax 0297017175 (+33 297017175)
>>>>> On 01/06/2015 15:10, Miguel Colom wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> IPOL is accepting MATLAB demos now.
>>>>>> We're working on writing clear guidelines for the MATLAB source codes
>>>>>> (accepted toolboxes, style, etc) but meanwhile
>>>>>> it's already possible to submit MATLAB codes and demos for
>>>>>> publication.
>>>>>> This message is only to explain what to do to have a demo executing
>>>>>> MATLAB.
>>>>>> The MATLAB code must be compiled. This step is exactly the same as
>>>>>> what we do for any other compiled language and
>>>>>> to do
>>>>>> it it suffices to write a Makefile which calls mcc (the MATLAB
>>>>>> compiler).
>>>>>> For example:
>>>>>> PROG=gauss
>>>>>> all:
>>>>>>     mcc -m ${PROG}.m -a lib -R -nodisplay
>>>>>> The generated binary must be moved to the "bin" directory, as usual.
>>>>>> The compiler generates not only the binary, but also a BASH script
>>>>>> which calls the binary within the proper
>>>>>> environment.
>>>>>> You don't need to care about what the script does. Think of it as a
>>>>>> black box where you put your parameters and it
>>>>>> executes your program.
>>>>>> The script needs the following parameters, in this order:
>>>>>> 1) The MATLAB path
>>>>>> 2) The parameters of your algorithm.
>>>>>> The MATLAB path can be obtained from the demo system configuration,
>>>>>> by calling self.get_MATLAB_path().
>>>>>> For example:
>>>>>> p = self.run_proc(['run_gauss.sh', self.get_MATLAB_path(),
>>>>>> 'input_0.png',
>>>>>>                    'output_1.png', str(sigma)])
>>>>>> You need also to configure the path of MATLAB with two new entries in
>>>>>> demo.conf.
>>>>>> In the production server the configuration is:
>>>>>> # demo paths
>>>>>> demo.extra_path = '/usr/bin:/bin:/wheezy/usr/local/MATLAB'
>>>>>> demo.matlab_path = '/wheezy/usr/local/MATLAB'
>>>>>> You need to put there the right paths corresponding to your MATLAB
>>>>>> installation.
>>>>>> And you need also to have an updated version of the demo system.
>>>>>> You can download a copy with: git clone
>>>>>> https://github.com/mcolom/ipolDevel.git
>>>>>> In principle you only need to change the contents of the "lib"
>>>>>> directory.
>>>>>> All the best,
>>>>>> Miguel
>>>>>> --
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