[IPOL discuss] IPOL poll: Angular JS cross-browser compatibility

Pascal Monasse monasse at imagine.enpc.fr
Mon Feb 15 09:44:33 CET 2016

Dear all,

rekonq 2.4.2 from kubuntu 14.03. Here is a screenshot of the bad position of 
the images in the first page. All the rest is fine.


On Saturday, February 13, 2016 12:01:26 PM Miguel Colom wrote:
> Dear all,
> we're improving the web interface of the demos to improve usability
> and user experience.
> One of the ideas is to do as much as the work as possible in the
> client rather than doing so at the server, to have a fast,
> interactive, and reactive system.
> To have it, we rely much on Angular JS now, which is built over Javascript.
> We don't think that requiring Javascript is an issue nowadays, since
> the great majority of browsers have it enabled by default and in fact
> it's required for most of the features of the so-called web 2.0 (AJAX,
> offline working, etc).
> The goal is to check if the code that will put in production in the
> future is working for most of the browsers, systems, and devices. And
> to fix it if not, of course.
> Thus, we invite you to test the prototype and answer a very short poll
> (only four checkboxes) to give us feedback.
> Please, do the following:
> 1) Go to the prototype demo website:
> 2) Check that the list of 9 images is shown.
> 3) Pick any image
> 4) Check that the controls are shown: In "Threshold type" you should
> be able to pick one of two options. Four sliders with default values
> 0, 128, 128, 1. And a marked checkbox at the end.
> 5) Click on "Enable Crop" and check that you can choose a piece of the
> image and move the crop over the left image. It should show your crop
> portion on the right.
> 6) Click on "Run"
> 7) Check that after a few seconds the results page appears
> 8) Check that in the results page the parameters are shown. The tmax
> parameters might have changed. This is normal, don't worry.
> 9) Check that when you move over the gallery ("Resulting images") you
> can turn between the input and the Output.
> The poll is here:
> http://doodle.com/poll/en2v94qqnh53ufh8
> To answer, please write down your system and browser version (for
> example "Debian sid - Chromium 47.0.2526.80 Built on 8.2") and pick
> any options you want (It works/Bad visualization/Not working at
> all/Other problems).
> And please repeat it for any combination of operating system, browser,
> device (including smartphones) you have.
> In case you observe any anomaly (you have chosen "Bad
> visualization/Not working at all/Other problems"), please reply to
> this message in the discuss list with more details, so we can fix them.
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Miguel
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Pascal Monasse
IMAGINE, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Tel: 01 64 15 21 76
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