[IPOL discuss] [IPOL edit] Suggested changes in Submission Procedure/Author Manual

Bertrand Kerautret bertrand.kerautret at univ-lorraine.fr
Tue Jul 4 16:47:17 CEST 2017

Dear All, 
Thanks it looks also fine for me.
Just perhaps keep the incitation to avoid the warnings "-Wall -Wextra -Werror » in c/c++  that could be great that the authors take the time to limit the generated warnings.
(it can be source of problem later or source of non compilation on other more restrictive compilator).
The editor can request it during the submission but we can save time if we mention add it.

> Le 4 juil. 2017 à 16:25, Jean-Michel Morel <moreljeanmichel at gmail.com> a écrit :
> I  fully agree too.
> Best,
> Jean-Michel
> Jean-Michel Morel
> moreljeanmichel at gmail.com 
> On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 4:10 PM, Jose Luis Lisani <joseluis.lisani at uib.es> wrote:
> I agree with Miguel suggestions about the Submission Procedure and the Software Guidelines.
> I can update the information appearing in the web page, but first we should all agree in the new guidelines.
> Miguel proposes:
> Note that the submitted code must at least fulfill these minimal conditions:
> - Be written in C/C++, Python, or MATLAB with minimal dependencies.
> - Must compile and run at least in a Debian Stable distribution.
> The editor will guide the authors throughout the publication process giving technical support when needed. 
> Any additional remarks?
> Best,
> José Luis
> On 04/07/17 14:57, Miguel Colom wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've been reviewing our Submission Procedure in http://www.ipol.im/meta/submission/ and I think we should change it.
> It says the following:
> <<<
> Note that to be able to obtain an online demo, code must at least fulfill these minimal conditions:
> be written in C89, C99 or C++98, usable on a 64-bits Linux system;
> use only libtiff, libjpeg, libpng, libgsl, eigen, zlib, fftw, cblas and clapack external libraries or be distributed with any other needed library;
> be usable non-interactively from the command-line;
> need at most 1 GB memory and 30 s computation;
> read/write PNG, TIFF, PNM, EPS, SVG, VRML or PLY format.
> It's not true any more that we only accept C/C++ code, and there's no reason why the algorithms can't go further than 1 Gb of RAM usage, since we have a lot of memory in the servers. They should not use an exaggerated amount of memory, though.
> In my opinion, this text is limiting the potential submission in IPOL:
> - We accept not only C/C++ but also Python and MATLAB and we're open to other languages eventually.
> - All those technical terms give the impression that we're going to reject anything which does not follow exactly the norm of the compile (C89, C99, C++98), which is not true.
> - We give a list of allowed libraries, but these technical details should be discussed with the editor, not put here as a strong requirement. The editor should tell the editor what is possible and what is not, instead of writing "only libtiff, libjpeg, libpng, libgsl, eigen, zlib, fftw, cblas and clapack external libraries".
> - We say "need at most 1 GB memory and 30 s computation". Again, this is flexible. It seems that if your algorithm takes 45 seconds it's going to be rejected. And that's not true at all. It should be a discussion with the editor instead of a hard limit.
> - "read/write PNG, TIFF, PNM, EPS, SVG, VRML or PLY format." --> Same comment here. Actually, the system can perform many conversions if needed.
> I suggest to change all that complicated text by:
> <<<
> Note that the submitted code must at least fulfill these minimal conditions:
> - Be written in C/C++, Python, or MATLAB with minimal dependencies.
> - Must compile and run at least in a Debian Stable distribution.
> The editor will guide the authors throughout the publication process giving technical support when needed.
> The same information appears in the Author Manual: https://tools.ipol.im/wiki/ref/author_manual/
> I think we should change it as soon as possible, since it's limiting a lot future submissions.
> Best,
> Miguel
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