[IPOL discuss] [IPOL announce] new article: Vanishing Point Detection in Urban Scenes Using Point Alignments

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Fri Jul 14 11:56:47 CEST 2017

A new article is available in IPOL: http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2017/148/

José Lezama, Gregory Randall, and Rafael Grompone von Gioi,
Vanishing Point Detection in Urban Scenes Using Point Alignments,
Image Processing On Line, 7 (2017), pp. 131–164.

We present a method for the automatic detection of vanishing points in 
urban scenes based on finding point alignments in a dual space, where 
converging lines in the image are mapped to aligned points. To compute 
this mapping the recently introduced PClines transformation is used. A 
robust point alignment detector is run to detect clusters of aligned 
points in the dual space. Finally, a post-processing step discriminates 
relevant from spurious vanishing point detections with two options: 
using a simple hypothesis of three orthogonal vanishing points 
(Manhattan-world) or the hypothesis that one vertical and multiple 
horizontal vanishing points exist. Qualitative and quantitative 
experimental results are shown. On two public standard datasets, the 
method achieves state-of-the-art performances. Finally, an optional 
procedure for accelerating the method is presented.

IPOL - Image Processing On Line   - http://ipol.im/

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