[IPOL discuss] [IPOL announce] new article: A Brief Analysis of iColoriT for Interactive Image Colorization

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Wed May 22 11:12:30 CEST 2024

A new article is available in IPOL: https://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2024/539/

Rosana García, Gregory Randall, and Lara Raad,
A Brief Analysis of iColoriT for Interactive Image Colorization,
Image Processing On Line, 14 (2024), pp. 127–143.

This paper briefly describes and analyzes iColoriT, a hybrid 
colorization method based on a Vision Transformer that propagates user 
hints to relevant regions of a grayscale image while using color priors 
learned from a large image dataset. This approach gives users more 
control over color inference and shows a quick way to achieve results.

IPOL - Image Processing On Line   - http://ipol.im/

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