[IPOL discuss] testing the new version of the demos

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Tue Nov 23 15:35:02 CET 2010

> 1) Network issue: I tried two different days, so it seemed more a typo
> on the file name than a temporary network error. I tried again today
> with the 22/11 version (6 days after the first try) and still
> persists. Here is the line that fails.
> [22/Nov/2010:15:53:54] SETUP/my_affine_sift building
> [22/Nov/2010:15:53:54] BUILD retrieving:
> http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/my_affine_sift/ASIFT_png.tar.gz

The network issue was related with the "network timeout error" you
reported. For asift, it was another problem (the source code archive
name had changed), and it is solved now.

> 4) ccache dependency:  seems to be in the cm_fds_mcm_amss demo

I was wrong, the ccache dependency is not in the algorithm source code
but in the demo code. I want to use ccache to save redundant
compilation time on the demo server when reloading the demo system,
but I still have to find a clean way to use it when available, and
fallback to a standard compilation if there is no ccache.

> 2) about content management systems I have a considerable experience
> with some wiki systems:

I'll get back to you later with a detailed list of our wiki/cms

Nicolas LIMARE
http://nicolas.limare.net/                         pgp:0xFA423F4F
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