[IPOL discuss] demo RGBprocess (RGB cube visualization)

Pascal Monasse monasse at imagine.enpc.fr
Thu Oct 28 09:40:30 CEST 2010

On Thursday, October 28, 2010 07:33:09 am Nicolas Limare wrote:
> 60% of the browser windows (this is the measure that really matters)
> are less than 1250x650[2].


By the way, the demo pages have left and right margins around the central 
frame with white background. When an image is larger (in width) than the 
central frame, it overlaps the right margin. When resizing the browser window, 
left and right margins share evenly the extra space, while there is nothing to 
see on the left and we want to see the rest of the image on the right.

It would be best if the central frame would take a width adapted to its 
content or, second best, that the left margin does not take extra space when 


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