[IPOL discuss] pages layout + logo

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Thu Oct 28 10:20:17 CEST 2010

> So, I intend to change the layout in the following way.
> * a fixed, little (5 em) margin on the left, with a visual limit (the
>   current vertical line and different background)
> * the same fixed width for text content (60em)
> * the remaining right space empty, but without visual limit (no
>   vertical line, and a progressive soft shift in the background)

* remove the dark blue banner, on top of the page
* insert the IPOL logo
  The third one (transparent layered cube) is the preferred one; there
  is no strong consensus or enthousiasm, but it's not worth spending
  too much time on it and it is simple, clean, and hints at 2D, 3D and

Nicolas LIMARE
http://nicolas.limare.net/                         pgp:0xFA423F4F
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