[IPOL discuss] publishing a new demo (abmh_real_time_morphological_snakes_algorithm)

asalgado at dis.ulpgc.es asalgado at dis.ulpgc.es
Mon Aug 15 20:40:30 CEST 2011

Dear Juan,

   I have modified the demo output and I have included an animated gif  
(20 iterations and 1sg of delay between frames). I hope this is what  
you expected. Any suggestion is welcome.

Quoting Juan Cardelino <juan.cardelino at gmail.com>:

> Hola Agustín,
>           I have a couple of comments more. One of the things I found
> difficult while looking at IPOL demos is the navigation. Supose that
> you are looking to the wiki page and you go to the demo, run it, but
> now you have some doubts about the result or the meaning of a
> parameter. It is really hard to go back to the wiki page, or to the
> archive.

    I know what you mean but all IPOL demos do not include these  
buttons once you enter into the demo.

  In this sense, the original version (the one running on the
> older url (megawave something)) of this demo had some nice navigation
> buttons to go back to the wiki. Shouldn't we use this interface for
> every demo? It is good for the user to have a comfortable and common
> interface in all the demos.
> Did you remove that on purpose?

In the case of old SNAKE demo these navigation buttons are only in the  
input page. Once you are in params settings these buttons do not  
appear any more.

Perhaps it should be included but any of new IPOL demos include these  
navigation buttons.

> By the way, how is your demo generator going? Maybe I missed some
> mails about it, but is it working?

With respect to the demo generator I finished some months ago. I did  
not send a message through the IPOL list because it was an early  
version and the interface was poor and hard to use. For this reason, I  
am working on a new interface that simulates the demo pages (like a  
WYSIWYG). Once I finished the snake demo I will put in the IPOL dev  
server because the demo.py file is different. This week you will have  

Best regards,


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