[IPOL discuss] zoom in/out for abmh_real_time_morphological_snakes_algorithm

asalgado at dis.ulpgc.es asalgado at dis.ulpgc.es
Thu Aug 18 13:11:13 CEST 2011

Dear Nicolas

Quoting Nicolas Limare <nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>:

>>   I have modified the demo output and I have included an animated
>> gif (20 iterations and 1sg of delay between frames). I hope this is
>> what you expected. Any suggestion is welcome.
> In the polygon drawing page, are the zoom in/out button really needed?

    For image test available in the demo, you are right, the zoom  
in/out buttons are not needed.

> I understand they are here to allow us to precisely position the
> polygon, but this algorithm is about the automated evolution of the
> polygon to fit the image features, so I think low accuracy is
> enough. And this would simplify a lot the demo code, less potential
> bugs, easier maintenance.

    That's thuth: less code, less potential bugs, easier maintenance.

    I included in the demo because the old snake demo had and the  
authors asked for the inclusion of those buttons. I think we should  
keep this feature because in the future other demos could demand the  
zoom in/out feature.

Best regards,


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