[IPOL discuss] Demo tutorial out of date

Pascal Getreuer getreuer at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 14:35:33 CET 2011

> Perhaps it'd be a good idea to maintain a minimal demo application that
> evolves with the stable DL versions.

Miguel, Juan, thanks for bringing this up.  I have also noticed that I
needed some small update fixes to my old demo code.  If you look in
the ipol_demo/lib/ directory at base_app.py and empty_app.py, you will
see that there are quite a few "TODO" notes---there is a lot that
could still be done under the hood, so there may still be minor
changes to the interface in the future.

Ultimately, it is worth it I hope since improvements to base_app will
make it easier to write good demos.  On the other hand, I agree we
also need to keep the documentation up to date and to keep each other
informed on the evolution of the demo system.

Would someone be willing to make an up-to-date learning example?

Pascal Getreuer

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