[IPOL discuss] anonymous wiki editor(s): thank you

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Sat May 28 19:10:05 CEST 2011

Hi all,

The IPOL wiki (http://tools.ipol.im/wiki/) allows anonymous
edition. This is convenient as we avoid managing another user/password
system, and we have few risks of wiki spam and vandalism because this
wiki is not indexed by search engines.

But we can't identify contributors.

Recently, someone edited these 3 very useful pages:
* http://tools.ipol.im/wiki/author/code/fragments_in_c/
* http://tools.ipol.im/wiki/editor/demo/simple_templates/
* http://tools.ipol.im/wiki/editor/demo/tutorial/

Whoever you are, thank you, you explain the demo system much better
than I do.

Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan    http://www.cmla.ens-cachan.fr/~limare/
IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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