[IPOL discuss] Ipol and Dataset

Jean-Michel Morel morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Sat May 28 14:23:03 CEST 2011

This is a bit experimental, but the idea is that data sets must be
accepted by several referees. I enclose the guidelines we are sending to 
referees for data set papers. Guoshen is welcome to submit his data set 
in this format. It would be given more visibility and would become quotable.
Each "Data sets" IPOL publication is  composed of four parts:

a) a detailed explanation of how the dataset was acquired and what its 
use can be;

b) commented additional material on the dataset: experiments, visualization;

c) the downloadable dataset itself

Your role as referee is to check whether the data set is useful for the 
research committee, if its acquisition procedure is correctly 
documented, and if all necessary information to use it has been given.

Pierre Moulon a écrit :
> Hi,
> Following the recent post about 3D point cloud data.
> Does it have sense to open a "Dataset section" in IPOL rather than put it in
> the algo section ?
> http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/d_point_cloud_data/
> Other dataset could be added like the one from Guoshen and Morel that they
> have done for the ASIFT/ SIFT affine invariance.
> Aka : Dataset: An image dataset for systematic evaluation of robustness to
> absolute and transition tilt of the image matching algorithms is available :
> zip tar/gz.
>>From here http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/my_affine_sift/.
> Regards,
> Pierre M
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