[IPOL discuss] format of written articles

Jean-Michel Morel morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Thu Nov 17 22:15:14 CET 2011

Dear all,

Rafael and Loic will submit soon their proposal for a
Latex-pdf format for IPOL articles and the inclusion of the .pdf in the 
article page.  The decision will be therefore discussed and decided 
among us. But, meanwhile, I think advisable to  warn all authors to keep 
or prepare their papers in Latex standard format rather than the current 
html format.


Juan Cardelino a écrit :
> Dear all,
>           We discussed this issue a lot, and we compared many options.
> Some of us also made some test with different ways to generate html
> pages, and I've (unofficially) heard that you guys decided to use
> latex as input format, as long as I remember, there was no official
> communication of this on the list (I know, you are all at Cachan). On
> the other hand, in our local IPOL project, we have finished the code
> and the demo of our first "external" author. And my question is shall
> I tell him to learn ikiwiki, or should we try directly with latex?
> Any comments?
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