[IPOL discuss] 16 bits images

Jean-Michel Morel morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon Mar 5 10:44:01 CET 2012

Dear all,

I completely agree; 16 bits images are increasingly frequent and much 
more interesting for the scientific exploration, in particular with all 
themes related to precision and high quality.


Miguel Colom a écrit :
> Dear all,
> currently the IPOL conversion mechanism is converting the input images to
> 8 bits before processing them with the algorithms.
> Unfortunately, some applications (like noise estimation or denoising,
> among others) need almost noise-free images as their input.
> When encoded with the PNG format, a quantification error is added, and it
> interferes with the noise in the image.
> This quantification error can't be avoided, but it can be minimized is the
> images are encoded with 16 bits instead of 8 bits.
> My opinion is that IPOL should implement the 16 bits conversion as soon as
> possible, because the quantification error in the input images is too high
> for many applications.
> At least, for noise estimation/denoising, it's a requeriment.
> Best,
> Miguel
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