[IPOL discuss] HAL repository and workshop for reviewing process

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Sun Mar 2 15:35:46 CET 2014


> - The first one concerns IPOL papers and HAL repository. Can the
> authors directly push the pdf of their IPOL papers on HAL or did
> they need to push a latex compiled personal version as often for
> other journals ?

IPOL authors own the copyright of their article, so they are free to
republish it anywhere without restriction.

I think most of other journals require you to rebuild from a LaTeX
source because they want to exercise an exclusive copyright on the
layout, logos, etc. IPOL doesn't have these rules.

I thing that the best option, to avoid ambiguities between multiple
versions of the same article, is to reuse and republish the PDF file
produced by IPOL and available on http://www.ipol.im/ for an article
accepted and published.

Nicolas LIMARE
http://nicolas.limare.net/                         pgp:0xFA423F4F
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