[IPOL discuss] [IPOL edit] Suggested changes in Submission Procedure/Author Manual

Loic Simon loic.simon at ensicaen.fr
Thu Jul 6 10:47:46 CEST 2017

Dear Miguel, Dear Enric,

I think that Miguel should send a draft of his proposed modifications and
it can be validated/amended by editorial board members without need of a
meeting. That would allow to at least correct quickly the misleading
information, and we can start a sound discussion on other points on which
there is no consensus.



On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 10:41 AM, Miguel Colom <colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>

> Quoting Enric Meinhardt-Llopis <enric.meinhardt at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>:
> Dear all,
>> You are talking about major changes to IPOL here.  Should we summon
>> the whole editorial board to approve these changes?  (arrange a
>> meeting, or send a mail to everybody with a poll to explicitly accept
>> each of the changes)
>> Maybe not all the people in the editorial board are reading this
>> mailing list, or maybe they are not reading it this week.
>> I want to have a voice in these changes but I'm not sure that this
>> mailing list reaches everybody.
> Dear Enric,
> I think that to remove the false information in the IPOL pages (Software
> Guidelines, FAQ, help, etc.) is urgente and should be done now. Some of
> that false claims are that we don't support MATLAB, among others. We
> wouldn't be deciding anything new, but just correcting the docs.
> About summoning all the Editorial Board or emailing them, as you wish.
> My opinion is that we should be way more agile, in the sense that if we
> detect that our information is false, that we can improve it quickly, and
> someone has already taken the responsibility to do it, then it should be
> done immediately.
> I'm afraid that if we don't be that agile, most of the time things won't
> be done at all because we'll be waiting for eventual discussions that won't
> ever happen and in the worst case this wait will block the actions.
> My proposal is to simply update the docs and to rearrange some parts (move
> the C/++ to a dedicated part).
> Given said that, if you really think that it's necessary that all the
> Editorial Board votes, let's do that then. I'm not opposed at all.
> Best,
> Miguel
>> Best,
>> Enric
>> 2017-07-04 16:10 GMT+02:00, Jose Luis Lisani <joseluis.lisani at uib.es>:
>>> I agree with Miguel suggestions about the Submission Procedure and the
>>> Software Guidelines.
>>> I can update the information appearing in the web page, but first we
>>> should all agree in the new guidelines.
>> --
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