[IPOL discuss] testing the new version of the demos

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Wed Nov 24 06:26:08 CET 2010

> Regarding ccache, I think that dependency is not a problem, as long as
> it is said somewhere.

I finally removed all references to ccache in the build codes. Ccache
will be handled on the server via system settings ($PATH environment
variable and symlinks). I think this is better.

As usual, this is in git now and will be in the code snapshots tomorrow.

So ccache is no longer a requirement for the IPOL demos. You can
have better build performances if you use ccache on your machine and
configure it as suggested in the ccache manual page, but there is
nothing specifid to the demos here.

Nicolas LIMARE
http://nicolas.limare.net/                         pgp:0xFA423F4F
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