[IPOL discuss] IPOL on windows

Juan Cardelino juan.cardelino at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 17:14:17 CEST 2011

I would rather use cmake than makefile. Authors are used to one IDE
(like Visual Studio) and I don't think we have the right to force them
to use another, just to mimic an unix environment.
Use cmake, and generate a project for whatever you like to compile.
Adding a CMakeList.txt makes no harm to the project.

Regarding Pascal's point about code, I think in this case the problem
is in zlib and not directly in the code, however I agree with your
point, we can just send the bug report to the editor and he can
correct it.

Best regards,

On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Pascal Monasse <monasse at certis.enpc.fr> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I  think this is a good idea, and I can recommend cmake for that. After
> extensive use, I found it to be very reliable and simple.
> For code that builds with gcc, there is generally no problem to make it work
> under Windows, except sometimes a few one-line corrections. Notice however
> that code that compiles cleanly in g++ often produces many warnings with
> Visual C++ and vice-versa.
> However, for already published code that needs correction, even though minor,
> we have a policy problem: that code cannot be changed, but updates have to be
> added as new versions. To add link to these new versions, we need an
> intervention from the editor.
> Best,
> Pascal
> On Sunday, October 02, 2011 02:25:01 PM Juan Cardelino wrote:
>> Dear all,
>>               We have two members of our IPOL-LA (IPOL latin america)
>> project, which are working IPOL oriented. One is writing a
>> publication, while the other is just trying algorithms. The latter is
>> using windows, and he is facing some problems with the compilation of
>> certain algorithms.
>> As we have not decided anything, I guess our idea is still supporting
>> the three main platforms right. My guess is that problems with windows
>> are just a matter of insufficient testing rather that a decision.
>> If that is the case, we will put some work on testing some of the
>> algorithms and document the outcome in the wiki. At the moment, one of
>> the authors (Alvaro Pardo) has posted some information in his wiki:
>> http://die.ucu.edu.uy/users/apardo/wiki/doku.php?id=compiling_ipol_with_vis
>> ual_studio_2010. I've made a page in our wiki to migrate and expand this
>> information: http://tools.ipol.im/wiki/author/code/ipol_on_windows/
>> In addition, in order to provide a more universal access to the code,
>> I propose to add optional cmake projects to the code of the
>> algorithms, to aid the users in the compilation in different
>> platforms. Or at least provide accurate compilation information for
>> each platform.
>> At the moment of writing, I guess most of the source codes available
>> provide a makefile or just the plain C files. So we either provide
>> detailed instructions for each platform or we include a way to compile
>> it truly multiplatform.
>> What do you think? If we like the cmake idea, I can ask the members of
>> our project to start writing cmake files for the projects they try.
>> If not, what else can we do?
>> Best regards,
>>                  Juan
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