[IPOL discuss] IPOL on windows

Juan Cardelino juan.cardelino at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 14:49:52 CEST 2011

Dear Nicolas,
                       Here are some commenbnts and doubt about your mail.

> I know some use cmake and like it. Some algorithms are published in
> IPOL with a cmake configuration, and it is fine for me. But if we
> require the authors to use cmake, I, as a developer, will have two
> problem:
> * I use make to build and to take care of my code. `make beautify`
>  fixes the indentation, `make lint` checks the code correctness,
>  `make test` performs sont tests on the code results, `make release`
>  builds an archive of the code. I could not find how to do it with
>  cmake; if it is possible, can someone explain me?

I know how to make releases with cmake.

> * I think the possibility to select the compiler and compilation
>  options at build time is very useful. I use a battery of `make
>  CC=icc`, `make CC=suncc`, ... to ensure my code produces the same
>  result with all the compilers available. And I can do `make
>  CFLAGS=-g LDFLAGS=-lefence` for a debug version, `make OMP=1
>  CC=pathcc CFLAGS="-O3 -ffast-math"` for a fast parallel version. How
>  can I have the same flexibility with cmake?

you can do a cmake -Dwhatever or force cmake to read a certain
environment variable.

Going back to help Alvaro, Although the code will be frozen, is it
possible to add a cmake file to an existing demo?
I think it won't hurt to do it, and it will help the users that are
not that expert in programming.

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