[IPOL discuss] Serious bug in IPOL's demo system

Miguel Colom colom at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Fri Dec 14 15:02:52 CET 2012

Quoting Nicolas Limare <nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr>:
> I'm not actively working on a solution, even if I knbow there is the
> bug and it is an important issue. So if your solution works, I and
> perfectly happy to use apply it to the demo code. I can't look at it
> now because I'm in the (very interesting) ICERM workshop[1], but I'll
> do it as soon I the workshop is over.
> [1]http://icerm.brown.edu/tw12-5-rcem

Ok, perfect!
The list of added/modified files can be seen from here:

And the Noise Clinic working with it is here in Purple:

Enjoy the workshop!

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