[IPOL discuss] Ipol articles class + an example
enric.meinhardt at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Wed Jan 18 16:57:40 CET 2012
I want to make some quick comments
> The main changes are the addition of the IPOL logo and
> reference at the beginning, and the links color. There are
> also three variants to cope with the problem of the number
> of characters per line:
> What do you think?
I think that the typographic restriction is important for readability,
and lines should not have more than 70 characters, both in printed
form and on the screen. In the online visualization, we do not care
about the pdf margins because they can be hidden by the viewer.
>> * What should we write in the "ipolAbstract" ? Why do we need an
>> "ipolCode" and "ipolSupp"? Can't this information be written in the
>> article body, like it is currently in the wiki/HTML articles?
> This was a suggestion by Jean-Michel Morel to give to the code
> and supplementary material a especial status, suggesting they
> are not optional but obligatory parts, particular to IPOL.
Obligatory parts can be enforced by documentation, or by a suitable
template, I see no need to enforce them by LaTeX. Besides, an
interesting feature of using standard names (e.g., "title" instead of
"ipolTitle") is that the resulting text file can be compiled as a
standard latex article and still produce a useful result. This
flexibility is common in other journals, where the LaTeX template
differs from a standard article only in the class name. I would like
to transform a regular LaTeX article into an IPOL article only by
changing the word "article" to "ipolarticle" on the first line of the
> Comments and suggestions are very appreciated.
Since pdf viewers use javascript, these changes implies that
javascript will be an integral part of IPOL. In that case, the
previous argument for rejecting the Mathjax solution could be
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