[IPOL discuss] Ipol articles class + an example

Jean-Michel Morel morel at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Tue Jan 31 19:14:03 CET 2012

Je trouve le modèle que Rafael propose tout-à-fait accepable.
Il me semble néanmoins que les figures  devraient être numérotées et 
permettre une "caption".  L'exemple ne le montre pas. De plus la bonne 
règle que nous devrons respecter et qui ne l'est pas dans l'exemple est 
que les figures doivent être citées dans le texte. Donc il faudra au 
moins mettre un exemple de cela dans l'exemple final donné aux auteurs.

Question: voir les adresses web http://... en toutes lettres est-il 
nécessaire pour un document pdf: n'y a-t-il pas une manière d'évoir 
cette information cachée mais clickable?


rafael grompone von gioi a écrit :
> Hi,
> I prepared a new version of the IPOL class that you can find here:
> http://dev.ipol.im/~jirafa/ipol-latex-format4/
> 1) It uses the A4 paper and small margins, so long lines.
> But we can change to the large margins if you prefer.
> 2) It uses IPOL logo color for the links. (Done by Nicolas)
> 3) It adds the a link to IPOL and to the license used in
> the header. (Done by Nicolas)
> 4) It uses a PNG logo instead of the vectorial PDF.
> This is is not idea, but there were some problems with
> the transparency on the PDF. This problem may happen
> if the article is converted to Postscript as I think it does
> not handle well transparency. I need to investigate more
> this point.
> 5) The Abstract environment it is now a redefinition of
> abstract, so the standard name is used.
> 6) The user must set the following commands in order to
> provide the information for the header and title:
> \ipolSetTitle{LSD: a Line Segment Detector}   % title
> \ipolSetAuthors{Rafael Grompone von Gioi}   % authors
> \ipolSetYear{2012}      % year of publication
> \ipolSetMonth{3}         % month of publication
> \ipolSetDay{1}            % day of publication
> \ipolSetID{gjmr-lsd}    % IPOL publication ID
> The DOI for the article is generate with the IPOL DOI
> and the artcle ID. In the example: 10.5201/ipol.2012.gjmr-lsd
> A DOI link to the article is also generate and assigned to
> the command \ipolLink, and this command is expected
> to be used thought the article to links to the article.
> The command \ipolDraftLink was added so the the link
> can be set manually so that the links can be tested
> while the article was not accepted yet, because while
> not accepted there is no ID assigned and the DOI would
> not work (is this correct?).
> In the previous example, using:
> \ipolDraftLink{http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/gjmr_line_segment_detector}
> would set \ipolLink and the header to the manually set url.
> 7) If the \ipolDraftLink command was used or if any of the
> six values is missing (\ipolSetTitle, \ipolSetAuthors, \ipolSetYear,
> \ipolSetMonth, \ipolSetDay, \ipolSetID) a red DRAFT text
> will appear below the header to easy identification of
> an incomplete PDF.
> 8) You will find the example twice:
> ipol_example.pdf   using the DOI links that should not work,
> ipol_example_draft.pdf    using the draft links to the workshop links
> that should work, and with a red DRAFT label.
> As before, comments and suggestions are welcome.
> rafa
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 7:37 AM, Nicolas Limare
> <nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr> wrote:
>>> I agree with the exlusion of columns. I feel the 2nd solution is the
>>> most comfortable to read, and the margins are not a problem for
>>> me.
>> I tried with other articles, and I have to correct my first
>> impression. The first option is good too, it is indeed much
>> comfortable than most of the 1-column layouts used by other journals
>> with *very* long lines and small font size. And it still looks good
>> when printed 2 pages per side.
>> We could produce the screen-oriented version with low resolution and
>> one page per side, and the printer-oriented version with high
>> resolution and two pages per side. The printer version would still be
>> viewable and zoomable in PDF viewers on screen with the benefit of
>> high image resolution, and printable without wasting paper; the screen
>> version would be quickly loaded and fit the HTML viewers without wasting
>> screen space with the margins in a default full-width configuration.
>> These two versions would have identical page numbers.
>> The third version (B5, 65 cpl) is definitely too narrow for our needs;
>> some tables will be too large for this layout, and the algorithm
>> (p. 9) takes a full page for only 13 steps.
>>> Comments on the header:
>>> - "Image Processing On Line" could link to
>>>   http://dx.doi.org/10.5201/ipol (DOI register for IPOL as a journal)
>>> - CC-BY-NC-SA could link to
>>>   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
>>> For the links:
>>> - A quick idea: did you try to use the purple color from the logo (rgb
>>>   0.357 0.286 0.651) for the links? It may look nice (or may not, it's
>>>   just a quick idea...).
>> I figured out I could try it myself. The result of these tiny changes
>> (link color and links in the header) is available in
>> http://dev.ipol.im/~nil/tmp/ipol-latex-format-2bis.tar.gz
>> --
>> Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan    http://www.cmla.ens-cachan.fr/~limare/
>> IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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