[IPOL discuss] Ipol Articles

Nicolas Limare nicolas.limare at cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon Jan 30 17:43:47 CET 2012


> But this time I would like to do it on more realistic files.
> Therefore I would be most grateful if some of you provided me with
> their Latex articles : be it upcoming articles or even better
> rewritten articles previously published in the wiki language.

In http://dev.ipol.im/~nil/tmp/, rpde.tar.gz and scb.tar.gz contain
LaTeX versions of "Retinex Poisson Equation: a Model for Color
Perception" (http://dx.doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2011.lmps_rpe) and
"Simplest Color Balance" (http://dx.doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2011.llmps-scb),
using the latest ipol class. I produced 4 variants of the PDF files:

* article.pdf      7M  20M -> default PDF produced by pdfLaTeX
* article_lr.pdf 357K 740K -> low-resolution version
                              72dpi average subsampled DCT encoded images
* article_hr.pdf 1.2M 3.7M -> high-resolution version
                              300dpi bicubic subsampled DCT encoded images
* article_xr.pdf 6.4M  23M -> extra-resolution version
                              300dpi bicubic subsampled lossless images

You can look at the makefile for ghostscript options, PDF tagging, etc.

For those who want to convert their wiki articles, I can provide a big
archive with every file the article contains (wiki, images, source
code, etc...).

Nicolas LIMARE - CMLA - ENS Cachan    http://www.cmla.ens-cachan.fr/~limare/
IPOL - image processing on line                          http://www.ipol.im/
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